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                Awaken    Allow    Align

Welcome! What you see below is the culmination of a lot of planning, designing, writing and rewriting! I’m using this space to showcase my stories, photos, thoughts and work samples. Please be in touch to let me know what you think.


It is crystal clear there are no accidents.

No coincidences.

Only signs and synchronicities.

And yet your Journey has “somehow” led you here.

In this Sacred Space.

In this Divine Moment.




Hi! I'm Barb.

I’m a:

Reiki Master

Intuitive Channel

Bliss Expert

Dating Coach


And I see greatness in you.

My Bliss is to help you Remember and Awaken to who you truly are

through my unique healing process, my self-study offerings,

and the Conscious Content I create.

It is my Divine Life Purpose to vibrate and thrive

at what I refer to as the Sacred Intersection

where the Spiritual meets the Creative!

And in the spirit of that mission, it is my sheer and utter Bliss

to serve the world with my gifts.



You are a luminous, Spiritual being navigating a human experience.

You know that deep inside you resides the fierce, fabulous, heart-centered Warrior/Warrioress

you have known since birth, but may have (temporarily!) forgotten.

You are ready to heal and release all present and past wounds,

both physical and energetic, to make room for the Bliss that is your Birthright.

You have Gifts as unique as your own thumbprint.

You have a deep, burning desire to discover and share these Gifts,

but they may somehow always seem to be just out of reach.

You are done with the walls. Done with the patterns. So over the pain.

You are ready to release the overthinking and the overwhelm,

and to welcome in Surrender and Flow to take their place.

Your time is now. Embrace the Bliss.


Sister Catherine of Siena

"Be who you were meant to be
and you will set
the world on fire."


More YOU...

​Go ahead--Invite yourself to tune in. 

Any of these feel familiar?

  • You are experiencing symptoms of dis-ease or pain

                  somewhere in your body. Perhaps in multiple places.

  • You are noticing an increase in anxiety, stress, or sleeplessness.

  • You would love to experience more Freedom in how you

              physically and spiritually navigate in the world.

  • You are feeling stuck. Overwhelmed. In your head.
    Unable to follow through on your Sacred Dreams and Visions.

  • It often feels like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.

  • You have a sense that your Guides and Loved Ones in Spirit might have something to say to you.

  • You would simply LOVE to experience more Ease, Grace, and Flow

             in your beautiful, meant-to-be-OH-so-spectacular Life.

If you resonate with any of the above,
then WAY TO LISTEN to your Divine Inner Guidance!

You are EXACTLY where you need to be...


You + Me 

I have been a blissful student of all things Spiritual most of my life, and I am so happy and grateful to have the opportunity to support you on your healing Journey, your connection with the Divine within, and your road to sheer and utter Bliss!

Here are three ways that can happen...

Intuitive Energy Healing + Reiki + 

Spiritual Channeling and Guidance

I offer four powerful Energy Healing services to help clear and balance your Chakra energy centers, heal from injury, illness, or trauma, release stress and anxiety, and eliminate any energy blockages you may have, in order to bring your body, mind, and spirit back into full balance.

My offerings also always include

Intuitive Channeling and Transformational Coaching.

Keep scrolling down to learn about all things Reiki, for all of my energy healing offerings and pricing, and how to schedule some time with me!

Online Course Offerings

Stay tuned for my brand new baby online course,

"Crazy Blissful Love Over 50!"

launching soon!!!

It is your BIRTHRIGHT to live a life you love living in this next kick-ass chapter of your life--including LOVE...

In our OH so entertaining and enlightening eight weeks together, I'll show you how to go from "meh" to "OH YES"

as you magnetize Crazy Blissful Love!

And it all starts with YOU.... 

Feel free to contact me for more details!

Conscious Content

It is my mission, passion, and sheer and utter Bliss

to create Conscious Content disguised as

sheer entertainment for television and streaming media, with the Sacred Intention to help others to Awaken to

and Remember who they truly are...

Stay tuned for updates!

Feel free to contact me for more details!

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“What lies before us and what lies behind us
are small matters compared to what lies within us. 
And when you bring what is within out into the world, miracles happen.”

Henry David Thoreau


The Reiki Scoop!

Gorgeous. Gentle. Powerful. Transformative.

Rei = Source. God. Universe.

Ki = Life Force Energy
Reiki = Universal Life Force Energy

The practice of Reiki began almost 100 years ago in Japan by Master Mikao Usui,

a fervent student of the science of hands-on healing.

Reiki eventually made its way to the United States, where several diverse forms of Reiki are now practiced.

As a Reiki Master/Master Teacher in the Usui tradition, I have been very specifically trained in and attuned to

this Divine Healing Energy, channeled through my hands. In combination with my own powerful Intuitive Channeling,

I am Divinely guided to specific areas of the body to facilitate healing and well-being, 

to remove energy blockages in the chakra energy centers,

and to deliver powerful and often times life-shifting messages from Spirit.

I am OH so happy and grateful over the last five years to have helped shift the lives of many clients

from all walks of life, who I am so blessed to now call Soul Travelers!

This is not “woo-woo” people—this is Science!

As Einstein knew OH so well, everything is energy—including us!
And through major advancements in Quantum Science and Energy Medicine,

we can now scientifically prove how our brain and nervous systems respond to specific and intentional Energy Work,

sometimes bringing immediate and miraculous results.

This is the reason Reiki has become a staple at world renowned healing facilities

such as Cedar Sinai and Johns Hopkins, as well as cancer centers and integrative healing practices around the world.

“Everything is energy and that's all there is to it.

Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.
It can be no other way.
This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

~Albert Einstein

Reiki specifically balances and removes stuck energy in our seven Chakras,

which are wheel-shaped energy centers located throughout our body.

Chakras are connected to Meridians (what Acupuncturists work with), and Meridians are connected to our organs.

It all has a ripple effect. And so in order for our organs and our immune and nervous systems to function optimally, maintaining open and flowing Chakras is key.

Reiki is a system of Balance. Balance brings Harmony. Harmony leads to Happiness. Happiness restores Health!

Let’s Do It!

WELCOME HOME: Testimonials

"Barbara Tintori is a gem and definitely a healing angel that the Universe gave me. She has an uncanny way of helping me through many quantum changes
in my life through her healing, her channeling, and her guidance.
She has also provided encouragement that speaks volumes.
Not only does she articulate in a way I can understand, she is an amazing support system in such a loving and caring way.
If you get the opportunity, run towards her. You will be forever grateful!"

Courtney T.
Marina del Rey, CA

My Reiki Energy Healing Offerings

Come work with me!

(You know you want to)….

I am SO happy and grateful to announce new ways to serve my beautiful Tribe

with my deeply powerful and life shifting Energy Healing + Intuitive Guidance Sessions!

Which feels right for you?

Please note all services are Virtual.

Energy knows no time or space.

I am able to tune into your gorgeous energy from anywhere, anytime!


The Full Shabang!  


Our powerful 2.5-3 hours together includes:

  • A Deep Dive into all areas of your life during the first 30-60 minutes of our call. Along with channeled downloads from a pre-session meditation, this pre-healing talk time includes Intuitive Downloads and Transformational Coaching

  • A 20-minute Guided Meditation

  • Intensive Reiki Healing and Intuitive Channeling (45-60 min)

  • Post-healing discussion, including messages from Spirit and a Sacred three card spread

  • "Homework" for you to keep the Magic going!

$100 Discount offered for Package of 3 


Reach Out!

I’d LOVE to hear from you!

Please feel free to:

Email me at the address below

DM me on Instagram

Private message me on Facebook

to schedule a session or with any questions or curiosities you may have...

Thanks for checking out my Virtual Home and I look so forward to working with your beautiful energy!

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Albert Einstein

“There are only two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

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